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Chairman Gao Jianrong Conducts a Survey on Property Work in Join-In Crown International Community

Release Date: 2018/03/14  Hits:2180

On the afternoon of 31 May 2017, in response to the spirit of the property company survey meeting held by the Group Company on 12 May, Chairman of Join-In Holdings Group Mr. Gao Jianrong, together with management of the Group, conducted an on-site survey on the property service provided by Suzhou Xin Su Crown Property Company under the Group in Join-In Crown International Community. General manager of Xin Su Crown Property Company Li Xianglei, vice general manager Zou Jun and relevant management personnel of the property also conducted the survey.


As a masterpiece of high-end residence in Suzhou, Join-In Crown International Community exhibits quality and power of Join-In Holdings Group in property section. The service level of property management is an important factor of brand reputation of the Group. The survey indicated that senior leaders of Join-In Holdings Group attach great importance to the management of the property company. More importantly, the survey, which conveys the concept of keeping improving, will elevate the quality of property service of the Group. During the inspection, in respect of underground parking lot, landscape greening details, public facilities maintenance, and road protection in which improvement can be made, Chairman Gao Jianrong brought up requirements and solutions based on actual situation. Management personnel of the Group and responsible person of the property company listened attentively to the chairman's opinion. They warranted that they will implement them as soon as possible and solve relevant problems.


At the end of the survey, Chairman Gao asked management personnel of the property company to protect the interests of owners, improve quality of property service, and pay attention to details in daily management, and hoped that the management and service level of the property company can reach a higher level. Chairman Gao pointed out that a successful property manager should often research and reflect upon its work. Excellent property service personnel should solve meticulous issues. Only through hard work can one find problems in time and rectify them, and thus form a virtuous circle in work. He believed that through concerted efforts of all employees, the property company will comprehensively improve its management and service level, and really serve owners and make them feel satisfied.

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