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Join-In Hospitality Management Co., Ltd. and Italy's Tonino Lamborghini Group Visit Hotel Projects in China

Release Date: 2018/03/13  Hits:2057

Recently, Italy's Tonino Lamborghini Group and Join-In Hospitality Management Co., Ltd. conducted a week-long survey on their hotel projects. Vice president of Tonino Lamborghini Group Mr. Ferrucio Lamborghini and COO of Tonino Lamborghini Group Ms. Tanja arrived in China and attended this activity. This activity was headed by general manager of Join-in Stock Development Li Shudong, and attended by Brand Director Luo Pin, Zhong Li and Qi Feng from Project Development Department and other management of the company.

On 27 March, the survey team arrived at the first stop of the project — Wujiang "Water Show World", a Tonino Lamborghini island hotel project. They received a warm welcome from Zhu Yu, vice president of owners of the project of "Bintou Group" and his working team. The survey team listened attentively to the introduction of the project made by Mr. Zhu. Mr. Ferrucio Lamborghini highly praised this project plan, after seeing the overall planning and video presentation at the sand table. He thought that the island living concept of the hotel is very unique. The concept of water city resort is the biggest selling point in the future. Then General Manager Li Shudong made a speech on behalf of Join-in Stock. He said Join-in Stock, Lamborghini Group and Binjiang Group will enhance cooperation, share information and resources. He wished that the hotel would commence operation as soon as possible.


The survey team and Mr. Ferrucio Lamborghini (second from right) listen to introduction of the hotel project


Wujiang "Water Show World" Project

On 28 March, the survey team arrived at Yunyi Tonino Lamborghini Hydrotherapy Resort Project located in Yixing City, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. They were warmly received by Zhang Lijun, mayor of Yixing City. Mayor Zhang briefly introduced the culture and history, ecology, economic development and transportation construction of Yixing, and expressed his full confidence in Yunyi Tonino Lamborghini Hydrotherapy Resort Project. He also said that the project introduced Italy's Tonino Lamborghini brand and excellent management team of Join-in Stock. Plus the favorable development environment of Yixing, the project will be built and start operation as soon as possible. Afterwards, the Tonino Lamborghini hotel brand management agreement signature ceremony was held at the project site.


Mayor Zhang Lijun warmly receives Mr. Lamborghini


Yixing Yunyi Tonino Lamborghini Hydrotherapy Resort Hotel



Yixing Yunyi Tonino Lamborghini Hydrotherapy Resort Project Agreement Signature Ceremony

On 29 March, the survey team visited "Gingko Collection" Tonino Lamborghini Hotel project on the side of Qiantang River, Hangzhou. Chairman of "Gingko Collection" Mr. Chen Yali has high hopes for the Gingko Collection project of Italy's Tonino Lamborghini hotel brand, which is located on the old site of China Academy of Art (Hangzhou). This first-ever Lamborghini hotel in Hangzhou will surely make full use of world level resources of Gingko Collection, such as humanity, art, and landscape. Gingko Collection Lamborghini Hotel will develop into the brightest pearl in the world network of Lamborghini brand. Mr. Lamborghini said, Gingko Collection Lamborghini hotel project perfectly combines Italian elements and oriental style. She is like a different world, providing unparalleled opportunity to guests, and allowing them to experience a kind of charismatic life style.


Hangzhou Tonino Lamborghini Hotel

Ferrucio Lamborghini leaves comments for Gingko Collection project and extends good wishes

From 29 March to 1 April, the survey team visited Zhengzhou, and was warmly received by Li Baofeng, Chairman of project owner of Zhengzhou Tonino Lamborghini Hotel and Jiyuan Cloud Valley Tonino Lamborghini Rustic Luxury Resort Hotel and his working team. Mr. Ferrucio Lamborghini visited the project site, attended the project unveiling ceremony and added the finishing touch to the lion dance. On the evening, the master prepared a banquet for guests coming from far away, and arranged a brand licensing agreement signature ceremony, adding a colorful stroke to the evening party. Mr. Ferrucio Lamborghini highly praised the shield-shaped building design of the project, which gives full play to the element and sprit of Lamborghini.


Zhengzhou Tonino Lamborghini Hotel

Jiyuan Yunyi Cloud Valley Tonino Lamborghini Rustic Luxury Resort Hotel



Agreement signature ceremony



The project unveiling ceremony

Adding the finishing touch to the lion dance

At last, Mr. Ferrucio Lamborghini, accompanied by the master, visited Songshan Shaolin Temple. In the evening, a grand Zen Shaolin virtual show was performed, bringing Lamborghini's China tour to a perfect conclusion.


Lamborghini visits Songshan Shaolin Temple

King of Kung-Fu Yilong grands gloves with signature to Lamborghini


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